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Safety First: A Website & App for EpiHub

Providing a clear path to application sign ups

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An Updated User Interface Design for Scalable SaaS Platform and Website

Epihub is a platform striving to start a new era of workplace health and safety management. The teams purpose was to create a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that keeps businesses WHS compliant and people safe.

Creating a modern application, supported by a design-led website.

Epihub collaborated with Clue to create a new app and website, with my role being design the website and assist in a redesign of the application. We had some fantastic illustrations to take advantage of, and a new set of brand guidelines to use as reference. However overall we had quite a bit of freedom on this project.

Project Type
UI Design
Touch Points
UI/UX Design, Product Design, App Design, Mobile Responsive Design, Web Design, Visual Design, Brand Design, Interaction Design

App first, website second.

Work had already begun on the application design before I joined the project. There was still work to be completed, and the design of the app changed throughout the project with the changing requirements.

My first step into this project was the website design, to which the client wanted a modern looking SaaS website that exceeded expectations in their industry. At this point in the project though there was already a defined base for the app which helped me define a direction for the website design.

Leveraging depth, colour and illustration to support brand messaging

With the base illustrations provided by the client, I recycled and re-used elements for parts of the website. The illustrations were created with the intention to be used as a large feature element on the Features pages, but many of the smaller elements had the potential to be used elsewhere.

These elements ended up being used across many sections of the site, supported by iconography. Rounded corners, shadows and illustrations led to the creation of depth and helped lift items off the page creating fun and exciting experience for users browsing the site.

Paired with animations and subtle interactions, the whole site diverged into a cohesive product. It was the combination of all brand elements and a strong IA (Information Architecture) that led to a clear and concise user experience.

The result was an industry leading application and website, pushing WHS forward

Epihub received a consistent and cohesive product that covered all bases of WHS. The application and website were quickly launched, immediately being adopted by many businesses in the WHS sector.

A focus on design and clarity

I enjoyed working on this project as it was an interesting challenge combining the fun illustrative elements, while trying to deliver a serious message and convert visitors. The fun expressive elements were always supported by a strong design foundation, keeping the design work clean and consistent. As a result the site looked great but was easy to navigate, easy to absorb information from and well performing.

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